Member Organizations
Our member organizations operate end-of-life product management programs in the province of Saskatchewan.
Recycle Saskatchewan members are independent organizations that have joined together to support and enhance product stewardship and extended producer responsibility in Saskatchewan. Our members have the following in common:
Are responsible for managing the proper end-of-life of specific products and packaging in Saskatchewan.
Have legitimate authority for managing the post-consumer stage of a product or packaging, either based on provincial legislation or a public mandate.
Are committed to minimizing the environmental impact of a product or packaging.
Cleanfarms is a Canadian not-for-profit organization committed to environmental responsibility through industry stewardship. We make it possible for farmers to safely dispose of or recycle agricultural packaging waste through programs supported by our members – companies that supply farms with the products needed to feed a growing population.
As Canada’s national and leading battery collection and recycling program, Call2Recycle® has been voluntarily collecting batteries in Saskatchewan for recycling since 1997 and has established a strong presence in the province. On January 1, 2021, Call2Recycle began operating the government-approved consumer battery collection and recycling program.
SARCAN Recycling’s mandate is to provide a socially responsible and environmentally progressive recycling system which helps to foster the sustainable development of communities across Saskatchewan. This is done through SARCAN’s network of 73 collection depots and 2 processing plants in Saskatchewan.
Electronics recycling is governed by The Electronic Equipment Stewardship Regulations which requires first sellers (stewards) such as retailers, distributors, and manufacturers of regulated products to manage those products at the end of their useful life. This can be done by a steward itself or a group of stewards can use a third-party to manage its obligation. In Saskatchewan, the Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA) provides this service on the stewards’ behalf and manages the Recycle My Electronics program.
The Saskatchewan Association for Resource Recovery Corp. (SARRC) is a not-for-profit corporation formed by the oil, filter, antifreeze and diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) industry in Saskatchewan to develop, implement and maintain a single, cost-effective, province-wide Used Oil, Filter, Antifreeze and Oil/Antifreeze/DEF Container Recycling Program. The association, incorporated February 12, 1996, is operated on behalf of SARRC’s member organizations, in accordance with The Used Petroleum and Antifreeze Products Collection Regulations. SARRC added antifreeze and antifreeze/DEF containers to the Used Oil, Filter & Container Recycling Program April 1, 2014.
SK Recycles is a not-for-profit organization responsible for Saskatchewan’s full extended producer responsibility program for packaging and paper recycling, which launched in 2024. SK Recycles works with producers, local governments, First Nations and Métis communities, private companies, other organizations to collect, sort and responsibly manage and recycle packaging and paper. SK Recycles evolved from Multi-Material Stewardship Western (MMSW) which launched its program in Saskatchewan in January 2016.
Product Care Recycling (Product Care) manages the Saskatchewan paint recycling program and a Saskatchewan Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) recycling program. The paint recycling program began in 2006 under the Government of Saskatchewan’s Waste Paint Management Regulations, while the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) program began in 2021 under the Government of Saskatchewan’s Household Hazardous Waste Products Stewardship Regulations.
The Tire Stewardship of Saskatchewan Inc. (TSS) is the approved program operator for scrap tire management and recycling activities in Saskatchewan. The TSS is a non-profit corporation that was established in June 2017 by the Retail Council of Canada (RCC) and the Western Canada Tire Dealers (WCTD) to serve as the scrap tire recycling program operator in Saskatchewan. The TSS is now operating in the province under a new Ministry of Environment approved Product Stewardship Program since January 1, 2018.