News and Resources

Recycle Saskatchewan News

  • Recycle Saskatchewan Statistics

  • Recycle Right: Minimize Recycling Contamination to Maximize Recycling Opportunities (2020)

    Municipal Voice, Volume 25, Number 3, pages 28-31. Municipalities of Saskatchewan.

  • Extended Producer Responsibility: A Saskatchewan Recycling Success Story (2020)

    Rural Councillor, Volume 53, Number 3, page 30. Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities.

  • Extended Producer Responsibility: A Saskatchewan Recycling Success Story (2019)

    Urban Voice, Volume 24, Number 2, pages 15-17. Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association.

  • SARRC and Cleanfarms Join Forces (2019)

    Rural Councillor, Volume 52, Number 3, pages 16-17. Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities.

Recycle Saskatchewan Member News

  • SK Recycles Partnership with SARCAN

    (Dec. 3, 2024) There are now more recycling opportunities for Saskatchewan residents. SK Recycles, the new provincial recycling program for packaging and paper, has expanded the materials accepted for recycling. For the first time in the province’s history, flexible plastics and foam packaging will be accepted province wide. SK Recycles has partnered with SARCAN Recycling to collect these new materials at all 73 SARCAN depots in the province. Non-deposit glass bottles and jars will now be accepted at SARCAN depots province-wide too.Description goes here

  • MMSW Relaunched as SK Recycles

    (Nov. 7, 2024) As Saskatchewan moves forward with the transition to a full Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program for household packaging and paper recycling, SK Recycles is excited to unveil their new identity and website. 

  • Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment Approves Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Program for Household Packaging and Paper

    (May 14, 2024) Saskatchewan has ushered in a new era of household packaging and paper recycling with the approval of Multi-Material Stewardship Western’s Household Packaging and Paper Stewardship Program Plan (Program Plan). This approval initiates a shift towards a full Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) model, where producers will assume operational and financial responsibility for managing household packaging and paper throughout its lifecycle, from collection to recycling. This shift will start December 1, 2024. .

  • Cleanfarms 2023 Southern Saskatchewan Pesticide and Medication Collection, October 23-27

    Farmers in southern Saskatchewan can safely dispose of unwanted pesticides or livestock/equine medication at no charge between October 23-27, 2023. Details below.

  • National Recognition for Tire Stewardship Saskatchewan Leadership

    (June 19, 2023) The Tire and Rubber Association of Canada presented their 2023 Industry Leadership Awards in Toronto on June 14, 2023. An award was presented to Tire Stewardship Saskatchewan (TSS) to recognize the the progress being made in moving the scrap tire collection and processing industry forward in the province.

  • More Recycle Saskatchewan Member News...

    For more Recycle Saskatchewan Member news, visit our member websites.

Other Resources

  • Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council (SWRC)

    For inquiries on where to recycle various other products, check out the Waste Reduction Hub on the Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council (SWRC) website. Options to compost, pass-it-on (reuse), and/or repair will be provided when available in the community searched.

  • Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment

    Information from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment on waste management including the Solid Waste Management Strategy and other resources.

  • Saskatchewan Aboriginal Land Technicians (SALT)

    Saskatchewan Aboriginal Land Technicians (SALT) is a non-political entity that provides support for Saskatchewan First Nations Land Managers to help develop and increase capacity on their Traditional territories while respecting local customs and traditions.