Household Paper and Packaging Recycling in Saskatchewan

SK Recycles is the full extended producer responsibility (EPR) provincial program for packaging and paper recycling, responsible for the collection, processing and recycling of these materials.SK Recycles works with producers, local governments, First Nations and Métis communities,private companies, other organizations and residents to create a standard province-wide recycling network. SK Recycles will ensure household packaging and paper is collected from homes and depots, sorted, and responsibly managed and recycled, to be made into new products and packaging. The program is funded by manufacturers, brand owners and retailers that supply packaging and paper to Saskatchewan residents.

  • The SK Recycles full EPR program for packaging and paper launched in December 2024, following the release of Saskatchewan’s Household Packaging and Paper Stewardship Program Regulations in March 2023, and the approval of SK Recycles’ Program Plan in May 2024. Upon launch, new materials, including flexible plastics, foam packaging and glass bottles and jars, were accepted for recycling at SARCAN locations around the province. The program will roll out from December 2024 to December 2026, with the transition to full EPR complete by the end of 2027.

  • During the transition (2024 – 2027) communities and residents can expect:

    1. New Items Accepted at SARCAN depots: Effective December 1, 2024, recycle flexible plastics, foam packaging and non-deposit glass bottles and jars at SARCAN depots.

    2. Consistent List of Accepted Materials: SK Recycles has created a province-wide list of accepted materials. As communities join the program, they’ll be able to recycle everything on this list, including new items for home recycling and recycling at SARCAN depots.

    3. Provincial Post-Collection System: Once collected from homes and depots, packaging and paper will be managed by SK Recycles’ province-wide system, ensuring all program materials are responsibly and efficiently recycled.

    4. Material Tracking System: When communities join the SK Recycles program, the materials collected will be tracked in a province-wide system. This ensures we know how much is collected and where it goes, from homes through to sale to end markets to be made into new packaging and products.

  • To find out more, visit